Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Classic Candlelight

There has been a huge gap in time between my last post to this simple little blog.  However, I don't feel as if I owe communication to anyone through this blog.  It's first and foremost intended for me.  So that I can constantly remind myself to look out for and recognize the things in my life and around me that make me happy or put a smile on my face.  I had a lovely evening with my daughter in November walking the busy streets of a little town that was laced with pretty white Christmas lights and shops bustling with pre-holiday shoppers.  We sampled food, shopped for a few gifts and just took in the glow of the lights around us. The decoration that I appreciated the most was this candle display made from a simple Ball Mason jar.  They were so elementary and yet so beautiful and lined the posts and sidewalk of a local restaurant.